Prime Sunday tee times. Nassau and closest to the pin contests. Individual and Two-Person Team match play tournaments. Making new friends. Playing new courses. Keeping an official handicap.  These are some of the reasons to join the Sandbaggers, an associate club of the Northern California Golf Association (NCGA).

The Sandbaggers Golf Club was organized in 1967 to bring together people with a common desire to play golf in a competitive and organized manner.  The CalTrans District 04 Golf Club was founded in 1958 for the benefit of employees of the California Department of Transportation.  In 2016, the two clubs merged under the Sandbaggers banner.

Our members compete in twelve "Sandbagger of the Year" tournaments each year along with several "just for fun" events including three-day trips to the Monterey Peninsula and Reno. Our tournaments are held on a variety of public courses throughout the greater Bay Area. We usually play on every other Sunday, March through October. Our Monterey trip is in June or July and our Reno trip is in September.

We invite golfers of all ability levels, ages, and genders to join us to make new friends and enjoy this great game!